Thursday, June 7, 2012

Session #6, June 2, afternoon

In which Adele considers quitting her day job to make movies

Seriously, I could write social stories all day. Not to mention produce and direct them! With the iPad, of course. Anything that prevents cutting (with scissors), pasting (with glue) and laminating--my three poorest fine motor skills--gives me hope.

We used Book Creator to make our social story. Very easy-to-use app. Must be, because we shot our masterpiece in around seven-and-half minutes.

Raising my Hand
By Adele, Michelle and Kari
Sometimes in school, I need the teacher's attention.

The teacher may be very busy. She may be talking to other students.

When I am in class, I need to raise my hand to get the teacher's attention.

Then I need to wait until the teacher talks to me.

The teacher doesn't like it when I shout out without waiting my turn.

Other students can keep doing their work while I wait my turn.

If I raise my hand to ask a question, the teacher will help me as soon as she can.

I will get say what is on my mind.

And that will make me happy!

Jacob Talks About Standing in Line; Or: Waiting for Godot Finally Explained

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