Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Haptic Chair & other finds

The Haptic Chair enhances the experience of listening to music for people who are hard of hearing. It was developed by a multi-disciplinary team at the Faculty of Engineering at the National University of Singapore. Using speakers that convert audio information into vibrations, hard of hearing users experience music through touch and bone conduction of sound.

More importantly, they look happy.

Haptic Chair

Look here for information on the haptic chair, and more videos.

The haptic chair has also shown promise as a boost to speech therapy with children who are hard of hearing. And apparently it's just plain fun. Check here.

Kari's Find:

Assistive Technology Clocks Tech Tips.
Products to let people with hearing and visual impairments know what time it is. I like the one that makes your pillow vibrate. I could use that.

Michelle's Find:

Interpretype: I even like the name.
A single system that facilitates communication among deaf, hard of hearing and hearing people. Includes face-to-face messaging and video remote sign language interpreting, 

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