Saturday, June 16, 2012

Inventions from Our Classmates

Baster Pencil - (Amy Sargeant) makes the pencil larger, for students who find the pencil too small to hold.

Squeeze Bottle Pencil (Shauna) - similar to above, but the pencil is in a squeeze bottle. She added sand to weight it.

Easy-Grip Magnetic Letters (Becky) - glued suction cups to magnetic letters, to make them easier to grip. They can be attached to a magnetic strip.

Spongy White Board - (Jeff) Sponges on the bottom of a white board to elevate white board off a desk. Could be put on an angle.

Spatula Scissors - (Janna) - replaced handles with spatula ends. Can be clamped to a table for easier use. Could be helpful for student who only uses one hand.

Dice Buddy - (Jill) - Put dice in a transparent container. Easier to toss, and you don't lose the dice.
Swim Buddy - (Jill) - Print out a page of Board Maker, and put it in a large plastic bottle. A waterproof AAC.

One-Handed Marker Pull - (Amy Strong) - Put clay into the bottom of a container, and stick marker caps into it. Students can pull the marker itself out.

Popsicle Painter (the sisters, Jackie and Jennifer) - Buy a popsicle-making kit. Glue foam to the stick part. Glue play fruit on handle for easier grasping.

Popsicle Painter

Measure Assist - (Anne) - Glue a bathroom squeegee to a ruler or protractor.

Skater-X - (Alana) - Glue a dinosaur to a play skate board for easy play. Attach a ring to the dinosaur for easy gripping.

Floater - (Heather) - Attached to items that are in danger of falling into the water.

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