Saturday, May 5, 2012

Session #2 - May 5, Afternoon

"Communication is the successful connection between two or more parties, that conveys a message with content understood by both, using a method accessible by both." --Michelle, Kari, Adele.

3 Essentials of effective communication
Communication partner
Common language
Joint attention

Assistive technology?

Blogger has changed since the last course! I'm coping, though. I even edited the HTML of my template! Woh! (I wanted to change the default font--I'm a Georgia woman.) Needing a fun gadget, I decided to find something new, although I do love that fish tank. So I chose Real Time Earth and Moon phase. Sorry that it's advertising. Enjoy anyway.

Proloquo2Go is awesome! My home page is going to say:
Ms. Megann is busy right now.
Well, then, go look for it!

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